Monday, December 9, 2013

Yo Mama is So

'Enjoy the very good collection of Yo Mama Short Jokes. They gonna make you feel too good.'

Your mama is so freaking stupid that she got hit by a parked car. submitted by - Alyssa

Yo mamma so fat her belly-flop actually has effective damage
your mama is so fat when it was raining outside she put on a yellow rain coat and the people walking by said taxi can u give me a ride home please!
Your mamas so fat she sat on lows an lowered the prices!! :D
Yo mama's so ugly, she looked into a mirror and it broke.
Yo mama's so ugly, she looked into a mirror and died.
Yo mama's so ugly, she looked into a mirror and wondered how that piece of crap got in her bathroom.
Yo mama so skinny she was marked absent for standing sideways.
Yo mama so skinny she can dodge rain.
Yo mama so skinny she stepped on the scale and it said "Next please."
Yo mama so skinny she gave a new name to anorexia.
Yo mama so skinny she stepped on the scale and it said "air cannot be weighed."
Yo mama's so ugly, she turned Medusa to stone!
Yo mama so stupid that when she threw a rock on the ground, she missed.
Yo mama so stupid, she got locked up in a grocery store and starved.
Yo mama so stupid, she stole free bread.
Yo mama so stupid, she tripped over a cordless phone.
Yo mama so stupid, she was chained to a water fountain and died of dehydration
Yo mama so stupid, he told this joke.
Yo mama so stupid, she took a ruler to bed just to see how long she slept.
Yo mama is so stupid, she sold her car for gas money!
Yo mama so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck
Yo mama so ugly she went to the haunted house on Halloween and came out with a job application
Yo mama so fat that Christopher Columbus claimed her as "the new world"
Yo mama so fat she jumped in the swimming pool and everyone yelled TSUNAMI!
Yo mama so fat she gotta wear watches on both arms to keep the time zone
Yo mama so fat that when she goes to the movies she sits beside everyone
Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise
Yo mama so ugly that when she entered the ugly contest and got kicked out because they said "no professionals"
Yo mama is like a vacuum, she sucks, she blows, and gets laid in the closet!
Yo mama is so ugly, she turned Medusa into stone.
Yo mama is so fat, she can't even fit in a chat room.
Yo momma so fat that when she wears a rain coat, she looks like a school bus!
Yo mama is a hose pipe, the gardener turns her on.
Yo mama is like a rugby field, everybody can try.
Yo mama is like a tie, everybody knows how to do her.
Yo mama so fat, she jumped and got stuck.
Yo mama so stupid and fat, when she saw a school bus full of white children, she said, "Stop that Twinkie!!!!!"
Yo mama so fat, when she got on the scale it read, "One at a time please!"
Yo mama is so stupid, she returned a puzzle because she thought it was broken.
Yo mama so fat, when the doorbell rang, she ran straight to the microwave!
Yo mama so ugly, she makes blind kids cry.
Yo mama is so fat, she uses all of Phoenix, Arizona as her tanning bed.
Yo mama is so dumb, she brought a spoon to the Superbowl.
Yo mama is so dumb, when you left for school on the school bus, she ran after saying "TWINKIE I WANT MY TWINKIE"
Yo mama so big, she uses a mattress as a tampon.
Yo mama so hairy, when you popped out, you got carpet burn.
Yo mama so fat, when she went swimming at the beach, the whales came out and sang "We Are Family."
Yo mama is so fat, she sat on Wal-mart and lowered the prices!
Yo mama is so ugly, she entered an ugly contest and got kicked out!

Now read most lovable Knock Knock Jokes and Best Funny Jokes to enjoy more.

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